Async Werewolf

Werewolf is a game of deception and guile. At its most basic, there is a group of villagers and a hidden group of werewolves. The werewolves know each other’s identities and it is the villagers’ job to rid their village of the lycan scourge. The game is split up into a day and a night phase. During the day, the whole village determines who to execute. During the night, the wolves determine who to kill. The villagers win if all the werewolves are killed. The wolves win if they outnumber the remaining humans.

Werewolf is usually played as a party game, but it can be modified to be played asynchronously for a longer time period.



In Werewolf, there are two teams - a set of villagers and a set of werewolves. The werewolves all know each other. The villagers are trying to kill all werewolves, and the werewolves are trying to even the numbers. The first team to do so wins.

Victory Conditions

VILLAGE TEAM: The Village team wins the game when ALL of its kill-capable enemies (not necessarily just the Wolf team’s “Pack Hunters”) have been eliminated.

WOLF TEAM: The Wolf team wins when the number of Pack Hunters equals the remainder of the Village-allied population.

The Moderator

There is a moderator in this game that assigns roles, and keeps track of executions, actions, and win conditions.


The first day, the Moderator will email each player with their role information and any other special information required (for example, if you’re a werewolf, the Moderator will tell you who the other werewolves are)

Game Cycle

The game is played over a 3 day cycle. Each Day phase takes two real days, and each Night phase takes one full day. If playing in an office setting, only M-F count.


During the Day phase, players may communicate with each other and everyone is allowed to vote on who to execute, either by commenting on a wiki or via a messenger like Slack. Voting is based on the number of people who vote. So, if only one person votes, then that person’s vote becomes law - in other words, make sure that you vote! If you choose not to execute someone, you may vote “No Execution”


During the Night phase, those players that are active at night will send the Moderator what actions they’d like to take.


Most villagers are not active at night. That means that they should not be talking to each other. Don’t talk with each other about the game during the Night phases - that’s one reason that they’re shorter, so that you don’t have to wait as long to plot and scheme. Also remember - Dead Men Tell No Tales! If you’re dead, you can’t talk with living players about the game.

Do not under any circumstances share private emails or texts from the Moderator, because doing so constitutes cheating and will result in a swift and painful death. The most obvious example would be sharing such emails in order to prove that you “really are the ." The honor system comes into play in several areas of this game, and this is one of them. Emails from the Moderator are PRIVATE, so please keep them that way.